Hello Blogger World!
This week in class we worked on using Wikis. We used PB Works to introduce ourselves to the class via a wiki that our section contributed to. We were responsible for decorating the front page and making individual introduction pages about our teaching experience, interests, etc. as well as include a picture. We also used a KWL chart to explore our understanding of wikis and their potential uses in the classroom.
Feel free to check out my
About Me page here!
What went well!
-I became comfortable with PB works by the end of the assignment, learning how to add links, upload pictures, and properly format the text.
-We were given several helpful websites to explore for inspiration on how to effectively use wikis in the classroom.
-Our class made a visually appealing front page for our wiki.
-I enjoyed learning about other members of the class during their about me presentations using the page they created for the assignment.
...and not so well.
-I am still contemplating the most efficient ways to use wikis in my classroom, especially in the special education population. Assuming that my classroom will not have a computer per child for use during the day, I am not sure I am comfortable assigning work on a wiki for them to do at home unless I can familiarize their parents with the process so that they can help their child if needed.
-It was tricky learning to upload, retrieve, resize, and properly place photos.
-I had never edited a wiki, webpage, etc. except for adding basic text and information into some google documents and surveys so learning a new skill always takes patience.
If I were to change anything about the wiki experience, I would have liked to see a few more specific wikis in action during class. Once I figured out PB Works it was not too hard to navigate, but I would expect there to be others out there that are a little more user friendly. I felt that some of the tabs and the many lists and sidebars were confusing at times, especially to a brand new user who was not sure what to look for.
As I expressed above, I still have reservations about using wikis in my classroom unless it is in a setting that I can supervise and assist my students. I know the confusion I experienced when working in PB Works for the first time, so I would want to provide the necessary knowledge and support for them to succeed. If I do use wikis, I think that choosing a specific topic and assigning different subtopics for the students to explore and post about would be effective. An example would be to choose a country and have various students create pages for food, culture, population, etc. I could also see myself using a wiki as a class webpage that parents can view from home or as a way for the students to introduce themselves which I enjoyed in our class. Finally, I think that wikis might be a good suggestion to give my students for organizing their thoughts and responsibilities for any group projects I might assign. I think it will honestly depend on my individual classes, their abilities and interests, as well as access to computers and necessary materials to make using wikis worthwhile.
Overall, I am glad that I am now more familiar with wikis and will continue to explore potential ways that I am comfortable using to incorporate them into my classroom.